Displaying E-file Rejection Errors or Messages

If an e-file is rejected by a taxing agency, or if a return is accepted with messages from the taxing agency, messages are displayed in the Rejection Errors pane at the bottom of the return.

This topic provides instructions for the following e-file events:

When E-files are Rejected

When an e-file is rejected, you need to display and correct the errors and re-transmit the revised e-file.

To display and/or print e-file rejection errors:

From the E-file menu, press Ctrl+R (or select Display Selected Rejection Errors).

To print the rejection errors, click Print in the Rejection Errors pane.

A list of EFC Rejection codes can be found by searching for EFC Rejection Codes in the ATX Knowledgebase. See Correcting E-file Rejection Errors.

Fields Associated with Errors/Messages

To view fields in the return that are associated with rejection errors (or messages):

  1. Click the error/message number.
  2. Click the arrow next to Fields commonly associated with this error.

A list of boxes appears.

  1. Click the red box. The cursor moves to the associated field (highlighted in yellow).
  2. To move to the next field associated with that error, click the Next button at the bottom right of the Rejection Error pane.
  3. To return to the previous field associated with the error, click Previous.

When E-files are Accepted with Messages

If your e-file displays an Accepted with Messages status, follow these steps to review the message(s):

  1. Do one of the following:
  2. From E-file Manager, highlight the return. Then, from the E-file menu, select Display E-file Action Required.
  3. From the open return, select the E-file menu; then, select Display E-file Actions Required.

  1. In the E-file Actions pane, click a message number that appears under the form name.

The message appears in the panel to the right.

  1. If the agency specified certain fields in their message, you'll be able to view those fields. Follow the same steps used in Fields Associated with Errors/Messages, above.
  2. To print the messages, click the Print button on the Rejection Errors pane.


See Also:

Common IRS Rejection Codes

Avoiding Common E-file Rejection Errors